31 July 2020 | Non classé | Permalink
Indiecinema |
A legend – documentary in four seasons Film in two parts, a little mythological legend a little documentary, is an abysmal journey into the world of lightning, their hunters, their spirits and their victims. Spring revives Symeon the Stylite, a manic god who lived on top of a column for 40 years. The summer, based on the text of “Dispute” by Marivaux, stages the shocking encounter between two intense creatures, Azor and Eglé, stranded on the island of Sutra. Watch the movie |
1 December 2019 | Non classé | Permalink
The Jury composed of Victor Borrego, Barbara Schröder and Gabriel Garcia Noblejas, after weeks of deliberations has issued the following ruling, which was released on Saturday 30 November during the closing ceremony of the festival, in the following categories:
CINEMÍSTICA (ex-aequo): “FOUDRE” (Rayo) long feature movie, Manuela Morgaine, Francia.
CINEMÍSTICA (ex-aequo): “GIACINTO SCELSI, OU LE PREMIER MOUVEMENT DE L’IMMOBILE” long feature movie, Sebastiano d´Ayala, Italia/Francia.
22 October 2019 | Non classé | Permalink
During the Festival CINEMISTICA , in competition LIGHTNING will be screened on november 9th 2019. A proposition made by Barbara Schröder and Manuel Polis Pelaz in the Corrala de Santiago at 19H30 pm.
A evening program called CINEMA & ALCHEMY
« El fantasma de la electricidad aulla en los huesos de su cara », el mejor verso del rock americano (Dylan) se manifiesta en « Rayo » la película de Manuela Morgaine que (4 horas, en cuatro partes) acabé de ver ayer.http://foudre-lefilm.com/
« Foudre », título original francés, no es sólo cine moderno, es arte moderno. Difícil de contar lo que el film transmite me es más fácil enumerar sus contenidos: gentes que han sobrevivido a un rayo (alguno porque el rayo bajó por una larga cremallera hasta las botas), una bailarina que el rayo dejó en silla de ruedas pero que dice que todo lo que ella es se lo debe a aquel momento, el tercer movimiento de la 9ª sinfonía de Beethoven, los derviches y sus arrobamientos, una pasión por rodar y dedicar diez años a esta película, viajes por paises como Túnez, Libia o Siria que inmediatamente después se volvieron invisitables, ¿qué es la melancolía?, el electroshock o rayo controlado, Simón el estilita y una maravillosa lista, siglo a siglo de todos los majaretas que como él vivieron su vida encima de una columna, atrayendo al rayo, música moderna y étnica de Philippe Langlois, el Eufrates (ay, río que falta en mi colección), la romana Palmira y la historia del kama, la isla de Sutra (¿inventada?, creo que sí), Marivaux el gran autor francés de donde viene el « marivaudage » del que hablaba con Paulino Viota recientemente, cuarteto de Haydn, la admiración de Boris Nelepo y otros críticos que colaboran con la Revista Lumière como Vassilis Economou, una gran web, link más arriba, que invito a visitar, el amor por unos colaboradores psiquiatras, músicos, arqueólogos, cazadores de tormentas o astrónomos que nos cuentan en maravillosas letanías que nuestra sangre viene del núcleo de las estrellas, sensaciones de similitudes con Arrabal o el cine de Los Hijos, el Mediterráneo y el conocimiento clásico de Alejandría, las columnas de jabón de Alepo, un epílogo en una discoteca con repaso a muchos personajes que desfilan por once siglos, el zig zag como forma, el Festival de Rotterdam, más que una película es una experiencia, el fantasma de la electricidad.
Felicidades, Manuela.
To know more about Gonzalo Garcia Pelayo, cliquez ici.
25 July 2016 | Projection | Permalink
30 March 2016 | Uncategorized | Permalink
LIGHTNING will be screened two times in Istanbul during the program
Pera Film’s Not In this Life: Metaphysics and Cinema program, presented in the context of Pera Museum’s Giorgio de Chirico: The Enigma of the World explores the relationship between the cinematic and the philosophical, the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it. The selected films bring together unusual stories exploring the nature of dreams, consciousness, existentialism, free will, our relations with others, and mainly the meaning of life. Though the program mostly underlines more recent independent productions, it also includes Richard Linklater’s 2001 made Waking Life, a film that embraces an idealistic search for the philosophical. Famed actor Ryan Gosling’s directorial debut work Lost River is a surreal tale about the housing market crash in the United States. Often mentioned alongside Ingmar Bergman, master director Roy Andersson’s A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence provides an insight into a chaotic world of the present, past and future. The One I Love on the other hand in Roger Ebert’s words is a romance and a mystery and a drama, with really only two characters in it, characters who are sketches approximating human beings, but played with sadness and humor by the two lead actors. Why Can’t I Be Tarkovsky? embraces the main character as he stands between his dreams and the real, under tragicomic conditions. Inspired by Twilight Zone, Coherence is an engaging low-budget sci-fi without a script, that employs improvisation. A Norwegian film Blind entails a surreal atmosphere, sparse dialogue and humour, not just on seeing and blindness, but also on solitude and writing. A coming-of-age werewolf tale, When Animals Dream tells the story of a teenage girl whose sexual awakening unleashes something primal within, revealing a dark family secret. Both gripping and boundary pushing, Upstream Color is a hallucinatory cinematic experience that goes in search of truths that lie just beyond our reach. Piercing Brightness by visual artist Shezad Dawood, uses the popular genre of science fiction, as well as the dynamic hybrid of the narrative feature and the experimental. Artist Marcos Lutyens’s short film Time Lapsus visually demonstrated a set of mirrored narratives. Complementing this fiction selection, the documentary Lightning explores the nature of lightning through four seasons from all over the world.
Carlo Rovelli, a theoretical physicist elegantly points out that there is one issue in particular regarding ourselves which often leaves us perplexed: “what does it mean, our being free to make decisions, if our behavior does nothing but follow the predetermined laws of nature? Is there not perhaps a contradiction between our feeling of freedom and the rigor, as we now understand it, with which things operate in the world?” Not In this Life: Metaphysics and Cinema attests these queries through a broad scope of visually captivating stories.
To see LIGHTNING in Pera Museum, click on the two links below
9 March 2016 | Projection | Permalink
18 June 2015 | Uncategorized | Permalink
For it’s first edition, the Rendez-Fous du Roi Re-né, invites LIGHTNING for a unique screening in the village of St Mathurin sur Loire, next to the city of Angers, Capital of Mads, clowns and buffoons.
For more informations click on the picture and to download the complete program, click here.
6 May 2015 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Editions Shellac presents LIGHTNING a legend in four seasons, a coffret box including 2 dvds and 1 book. Issue on 15/05/2015. To see the contain of this coffret box please click on the picture
To purchase the coffret box at special early booking rate until it’s commercial issue 18/08/2018 please follow the link http://www.shellac-altern.org/boutique/362
7 February 2015 | Uncategorized | Permalink
Who is the voice of BAAL – Syrian god of Lightning, who guides the opening of LIGHTNING, and the character of DJBAAL who electrifies it’s ending? It is Rodolphe Burger, founder of the mythic group KAT ONOMA , singer and guitarist. His music company today, DERNIERE BANDE supports the venue of LIGHTNING this spring 2015.
Yo know more click here or in the picture of DJBAAL.
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